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Four effective solutions to combat drafts in your home

Drafts in your home can lead to increased energy bills and an uncomfortable living environment. However, with the right strategies, you can effectively combat drafts and enhance your home's insulation.

1. Seal Windows and Doors with Caulk

Drafts often find their way in through small cracks and gaps around windows and doors. A simple yet effective solution is to use silicone or expanding foam caulk to seal these openings. Silicone caulk is durable and flexible, making it ideal for areas that may expand and contract with temperature changes. It's important to regularly inspect these seals and touch them up or replace them when they begin to deteriorate.

2. Door Sills and Weatherstripping

The bottom of exterior doors is a common site for drafts. Installing door sills or weatherstripping can provide a solid barrier against the cold. Consider the addition of a door sweep – available in rubber, foam, or thick fabric – to cover the gap between the door and the threshold for even better insulation.

3. Attic Insulation

Your attic plays a crucial role in the overall insulation of your home. Insufficient insulation here can lead to significant heat loss. Ensure that your attic is properly insulated with materials like mineral wool or cellulose fibre. These materials not only reinforce existing insulation but also help to maintain a stable temperature throughout your home.

4. Plastic Window Film

An inexpensive and highly effective method to block drafts is to apply plastic film to your windows. The film acts as an additional glazing layer, trapping air and creating an insulating barrier. Fix the film to the inside of your window frames with double-sided tape, and then use a hairdryer to shrink it into place, eliminating wrinkles and ensuring a tight seal.

Additional Tips:

  • For a more permanent solution, consider double-glazing your windows. This can be more costly but provides excellent thermal insulation.
  • Ensure that your home's walls and floors are also well-insulated, as drafts can occur here too.
  • Draft excluders can be used under doors and on window sills as a temporary and decorative way to stop air leaks.
  • Reflective radiator panels can prevent heat from being lost through walls and instead reflect it back into the room.

By employing these strategies, not only can you enhance your comfort, but also significantly reduce your heating costs. Most materials needed for these solutions can be found at local hardware stores, where you can also seek further advice tailored to your specific needs. Remember, addressing drafts is not only about warmth in winter but also about creating a more energy-efficient home all year ‘round.

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